Researchers have developed an application that will automatically secure information shared via a mobile device.
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Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) researchers have developed Smart Privacy-aware Information-Sharing Mechanism (SPISM), an application that automatically secures shared information on a mobile phone.
Normally, before accepting a new "friend" on Facebook, users are compelled to manually check many parameters in order to define the degree of intimacy with friends and the type of information to share. The EPFL researchers have developed a semi-automatic system via an application that filters which information from a mobile phone can be transmitted to a third party. The software learns the criteria that influence the decision of the user, and assimilates information with software that recognizes a person's voice or handwriting, in order to make the decision automatically.
During testing, the researchers demonstrated that SPISM was 80 to 90 percent reliable.
From Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
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