Researchers at MIT have developed a Javascript environment that runs on Google Glass.
Credit: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers have developed WearScript, a Javascript environment that runs on Google Glass. Wearscript enables developers to experiment with new user interface concepts and input devices to push beyond the human-machine interface limits of wearable devices.
One important aspect of Google Glass is how Glass micro apps can compress the time between user intent and action. Micro apps are smaller than typical apps and are ephemeral because they are used in an instant and designed to disappear from the user's perception once completing their tasks.
The MIT researchers developed an inexpensive eye-tracking system, which when combined with a few lines of Wearscript, can serve as a new interface for the Google Glass system. Wearscript uses a JavaScript framework that extends the design center of Google Glass micro apps from mainly Android Java developers to front-end developers.
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