Developers use Wearscript to create new applications for Google Glass at a recent MIT Google Glass hackathon.
Credit: Paula Aguilera/MIT
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) recently hosted a Google Glass hackathon in which developers used a new language called Wearscript to create a wide range of new applications for the wearable technology.
One project, called Love Performs, uses an eye tracker, mounted on the Glass frame, to measure the pupil dilation of the wearer. The idea is to measure someone's arousal, giving an instant measure of how attracted they are to the person they are looking at; when it identifies attraction, the project leader's Glass says, "oh my."
One of the most popular projects came from two MIT computer science undergraduates, Edwin Zhang and Jin Pan, who have rewritten the popular Pokemon game so it can be played using Glass and other wearable devices. Players move through the game on a smartwatch and control the battles with Glass. The program enables two players to spar against each other, battling within a virtual environment displayed in Glass.
Tufts University researcher Dan Afergan says this type of hackathon is important because it is essential that Glass and other wearables talk to each other so they can provide users with information in the right way.
From New Scientist
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