The University of Lincoln's Linda robot will mingle with the crowd at London's Natural History Museum during Universities Week 2014 June 9-14.
Credit: School of Computer Science, University of Lincoln
A specialist mobile robot will mingle with the public at the Natural History Museum in London during Universities Week 2014.
Based at the University of Lincoln, Linda the robot is currently being programmed to act intelligently in real-world environments, with the ultimate goal of supporting security guards or staff in care homes.
The celebration of university research, scheduled for June 9-13, will give the research team an opportunity to demonstrate the robot, which already has learned to autonomously map a building and can run for 30 days autonomously.
The robot is part of the collaborative STRANDS project, which seeks to create mobile robots capable of operating independently based on an understanding of three-dimensional space and how that space changes over time. The project eventually will deploy the robots for an extended period of time so they have the chance to develop an understanding of how the world should appear and be able to identify deviations from the normal environment.
"We are trying to enable robots to learn from their long-term experience and their perception of how the environment unfolds in time," says Marc Hanheide of the University of Lincoln's School of Computer Science.
From University of Lincoln
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