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Communications of the ACM


Robots Compete in Disaster Scenarios

Boston Dynamics Atlas robot

The MIT team used assisted perception and assisted planning to program this Boston Dynamics Atlas robot, which achieved fourth place in the DARPA Robotic Challenge trials.

Credit: Team MIT

In December, 16 robots engaged in spirited competition at Florida's Miami Homestead Speedway as part of the trials of the DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC) sponsored by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). At stake: a chance to compete in the finals for a $2-million prize.

The robots represented 13 different universities and research labs around the U.S., plus one each from Japan, Korea, Israel, and Hong Kong (with other countries partnering). The competitors were divided into two tracks: nine teams all built their own robots and programmed them, while the other seven worked with Atlas humanoid robots from Boston Dynamics and only did the programming.


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