Hyperlapse turns time-lapse footage into a smoothly moving video.
Credit: Webmonkey
New software from Microsoft researchers can stabilize shaky video taken while cycling, climbing, kayaking, or engaging in some other high-speed sport, and speed the footage up to make it more watchable. Hyperlapse is designed to analyze the video and then create new frames to smooth out camera jumps.
The software analyzes a video for significant features in each scene and creates a very approximate reconstruction of the part of the world through which the camera traveled. Next, it works out the smoothest path the camera could take through this virtual reconstruction. Hyperlapse then renders footage in which the camera travels the smoother path. At this point in the process, the software generates and adds extra frames to remove jumps in the original video and to fill in around the smooth path of the camera.
Developers Johannes Kopf, Michael Cohen, and Richard Szeliski describe their research in "First-Person Hyper-lapse Videos," to be presented at the ACM SIGGRAPH 2014 conference this week in Vancouver, Canada.
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