The U.S. Department of Energy National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center is working to address a gap in an application readiness effort designed to support its next-generation Cori supercomputer.
Credit: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) is working to address a gap with the NERSC Exascale Science Applications Program (NESAP), an application readiness effort designed to support NERSC's next-generation Cori supercomputer.
Cori is intended to meet the growing computational needs of the DOE science community and serve as a platform for transitioning users to energy-efficient, manycore architectures. Cori is equipped with a processor called Knights Landing, which offers more than 60 cores per node and four hardware threads on each core, as well as several technological advances, including higher intra-node parallelism, high-bandwidth on-package memory, and longer hardware vector lengths.
The enhanced features are expected to result in significant performance improvements for applications running on Cori. However, application developers will need to make code modifications because many conventional applications are not optimized to take advantage of the manycore architecture.
"As the team at NERSC prepares for Cori, their multi-tier approach to preparing applications for the coming exascale era is setting a great example of leadership for the global [high-performance computing] community while addressing the emerging challenges of code optimization," says Intel's Charles Wuischpard.
The NESAP program will help meet these challenges with user training, access to early development systems, and application kernel deep dives with specialists.
From Berkeley Lab News Center
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