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Google Glass Can Now Track Your Stress Level

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A woman wearing Google Glass.

Researchers say they have come up with a new way to use Google Glass to track a user's stress level.


Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Georgia Institute of Technology say they have developed a new method for using Google Glass to track a user's stress level and provide instant fitness feedback.

The method involves accurately measuring the Glass wearer's head movements using the built-in gyroscope, accelerometer, and camera. The researchers say the project, called BioGlass, could lead to biometric-tracking apps for the Google Glass platform.

BioGlass uses Google Glass' sensors and camera to track the user's ballistocardiogram, a mechanical signal measuring the tiny body movements that result from the heart pumping blood. In a study of 12 participants, the researchers were able to estimate the heart and breathing rates almost as well as with U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved sensors for tracking the same signals. MIT Media Lab researcher Javier Hernandez says the outcomes for heart-rate estimation were off by less than one beat per minute and respiration by less than a breath per minute.

The researchers also developed an Android app that captures data from the Glass' accelerometer, gyroscope, and camera. They currently are developing several other apps using the sensor data, as well as a way to capture and analyze the signals in real time.

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