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Stanford Computer Scientist Selected to Join Ambitious Moore Foundation Program

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Stanford Assistant Professor Christopher Re

The Moore Investigator designation has already connected Stanford's Christopher Re with other scientists "who work on a range of fascinating problems," Re says.

Credit: Norbert von der Groeben

The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation has named Stanford University professor Christopher Re a Moore Investigator as part of the Data-Driven Discovery Initiative.

The Moore Foundation is spending $60 million over a five-year period on the initiative, which was launched to enable new types of scientific breakthroughs by supporting interdisciplinary data-driven research. Re and 13 other data scientists will each receive $1.5 million over five years to pursue data-driven scientific discoveries. The researchers will be able to focus on data science problems that have the biggest and broadest impact.

"This is a tremendously exciting opportunity to push forward our DeepDive system," says Re,  a member of the Stanford Data Science Initiative. "Paradoxically, initiatives that apply to many distinct areas can be more difficult to fund because they do not fall under the purview of any one funding agency. With this award, we are free to work on problems at the intersection of different sciences." The goal of Re's DeepDive project is to enable users and developers to construct applications that more deeply comprehend and leverage data.

From Stanford University
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