Dell's research unit is taking a long-term view of trends in the industry.
Credit: Dell
Dell has steadily increased its research and development efforts, and its research unit's goal is to take a long-term view of trends in the industry and decide which ones to act on based on what makes sense for customers and for the company. The trends include big data, mobility, security, cloud computing, and next-generation infrastructure.
For example, Dell researchers have developed the High Velocity Cloud, a proof-of-concept system that optimizes servers, networking gear, and adapters to create an environment that can support all of the mobile device traffic of cities using a quarter of a rack of equipment. Virtual machines based in the High Velocity Cloud have 20 times the capabilities to handle network-intensive workloads, enabling service providers and enterprises to much more quickly spin out services to their customers and employees.
Dell also is conducting research that enables resources to instantly scale workload gains, and the management software that automatically spins out a new virtual machine to meet the demand.
Dell Research also is growing the company's Enterprise Mobility Management portfolio, designed to manage a broad array of endpoints. The researchers are developing technology to automatically switch users from Wi-Fi to broadband when needed without interruption to the reception or app being used.
From eWeek
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