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Brain Power: Pitt Hosts All-Female Computer Programming Competition

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At the University of Pittsburgh's first all-female hackathon.

The University of Pittsburgh Department of Computer Sciences recently hosted its first all-female computer programming hackathon.

Credit: The Pitt News

Free from cat calls, sexism or "are you sure you can handle that?"s, Pitt gave female students a safe place to think this weekend, hosting its first all-female computer programming hackathon.

Pitt’s Department of Computer Sciences hosted "She Innovates," a hackathon, or an event where students meet to collaborate on and then pitch computer programming ideas, over the weekend. "She Innovates" took place from Jan. 31 through Feb. 1 on the fifth floor of Sennott Square. Thirty-seven students worked on ideas for a mobile app or website that the students  thought would be commercially successful. Eight students presented individual ideas at the start of the hackathon, and the remaining 29 students joined in after to further develop the ideas, forming eight teams.  At the end of the weekend, the judges awarded first, second and third place positions.


From The Pitt News
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