New two-dimensional materials can be used to create flexible, transparent, and more efficient electronic devices, according to researchers at the University of Manchester and the University of Sheffield.
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University of Manchester and University of Sheffield researchers have demonstrated that new two-dimensional (2D) designer materials can be produced to create flexible, transparent, and more efficient electronic devices.
The research shows graphene and other 2D materials could be used to create light-emitting diodes (LEDs) for the next-generation of electronics, making them incredibly thin, flexible, durable, and even semi-transparent.
The LED device was built by integrating different 2D crystals, and it emits light from across its entire surface.
"We envisage a new generation of optoelectronic devices to stem from this work, from simple transparent lighting and lasers and to more complex applications," says University of Manchester researcher Freddie Withers.
Using these heterostructures to create bespoke functionality and the introduction of quantum wells to control the movement of electrons could result in new possibilities for graphene-based optoelectronics, reports the University of Manchester's Sir Kostya Novoselov. "The range of functionalities for the demonstrated heterostructures is expected to grow further on increasing the number of available 2D crystals and improving their electronic quality," he says.
From University of Manchester
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