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Panoramas for Your Tablet

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Fraunhofer HHI is showcasing an app that allows users to navigate panoramas using their tablets.

Panoramic video could soon pop up on the screens of smart TVs, smartphones, and tablets.

Credit: Fraunhofer HHI

Panoramic video could soon pop up on the screens of smart TVs, smartphones, and tablets as researchers in Germany are looking to use the technology that inspired the "Star Trek" holodeck to recreate a similar effect in the real world.

Christian Weissig from the Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications' Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (HHI) and his team have developed Ultra-HD-Zoom, a prototype that enables users to select and navigate around high-resolution segments of panoramic images.

HHI's OmniCam system also is capable of creating 360-degree panoramic images in real time, enabling the technology to be used to cover live events. Using currently available LTE networks, it is possible to transmit individual segments of the panorama.

The approach makes it technically feasible for a very large group of people to use a panoramic image at the same time. "It's another step towards personalized television: users taking advantage of the 'second screen' to become their own cameraman and take over the footage, maybe by zooming in to a specific point within their chosen segment," Weissig says.

From Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
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