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Sabina, New Domestic Service Robot

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The Sabina domestic service robot.

New software enables the Sabina domestic service robot to learn under user guidance via remote control, voice commands, or by having tasks demonstrated.

Credit: AlphaGalileo

National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics, and Electronics engineer Eduardo Morales Manzanares has developed software that enables a domestic service robot named Sabina to learn under user guidance via remote control, voice commands, or by being shown the tasks.

The software can be programmed by people without specialized expertise in robotics, as it is designed to interact naturally with the robot and to identify patterns in the environment so the robot can avoid collisions and autonomously learn to conduct various daily tasks.

Manzanares notes by having the learning mechanism exist separate from the robot, the program can obtain information for use in other robots.

Sabina complements its learning process with laser sensors and an Xbox Kinect to identify individuals and their position via a depth camera that captures three-dimensional information.

Manzanares notes in one example the user can move his arm and Sabina will copy the movement, perceiving body language and learning to execute tasks.

The voice commands Sabina follows can be either Spanish or English, because the robot regularly participates in international competitions, which required designing a larger vocabulary to enable more natural communication.

Sabina can choose from a set of possible actions and receive feedback from the environment or the user, who observes the robot performing the task.

From AlphaGalileo
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