Wolfram Research's artificial intelligence-based Language Identification Project enables users to drag and place any picture from a group and find out what the program thinks it is.
Credit: Wolfram Research
Wolfram Research's artificial intelligence-based (AI) Language Identification Project is equipped with an ImageIdentify function that enables users to drag and place any picture from a group and find out what the program thinks it is.
"We've reached the point where we can integrate this kind of 'AI operation' right into the Wolfram Language," a knowledge-based programming language, says Wolfram Research founder Stephen Wolfram.
He notes that because ImageIdentify is built into the programming language, it can be used to create apps, and runs interactively on a desktop computer, mobile device, and in the cloud. "Underneath, of course, it's just running code—with very simple inner loops that are pretty much the same as, for example, in my neural network programs from the beginning of the 1980s," Wolfram says.
ImageIdentify is essentially a built-in classifier based on deep neural networks that is trained from a large curated set of images tagged with Wolfram Language concepts. ImageIdentify is continuously being enhanced, especially with training data taken from feedback given by users of the site.
From Phys.org
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