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Tim Cook Says Lack of Diversity in Tech Is 'our Fault'

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Apple CEO Tim Cook poses with a scholarship winner at the Worldwide Developers Conference.

Apple CEO Time Cook says the tech community has not done enough to reach out to women.

Credit: Vincent Laforet/Apple

In an interview during an orientation session for recipients of Apple's Worldwide Developer Conference Scholarship Program, Apple CEO Tim Cook discussed the importance of diversity in the technology industry and what Apple is doing to become a more diverse company.

Cook called the idea that women do not want to be involved in tech a "cop-out" and said the current lack of diversity in the tech sector is "our fault," explaining the tech community itself has not done enough to reach out to women and demonstrate technology's appeal.

He said one way to correct this is with more female role models and noted Apple is pursuing several strategies to reach out to girls and women at every level from junior high to college. Cook said Apple also is reaching out to African Americans by strengthening its ties to historically black colleges.

He said what he sees as one of the biggest obstacles to making tech more diverse is "the appalling silence of the good people." Cook said he considers increasing diversity to be vital to Apple's future because doing so will enable it to make better products and be a better company.

From Mashable
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