The key to solving the worlds most complex problems could be human-machine collaboration, rather than pure artificial intelligence.
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Several scientists are urging human-machine collaboration via systems that integrate computer and human capabilities to solve the most pressing problems of today's world without the existential uncertainty of pure artificial intelligence.
The authors of an editorial in the journal Science, Human Computation Institute director Pietro Michelucci and Cornell University researcher Janis Dickinson, envision a system that supplies a technical framework for ideas to be shared, analyzed, and revised until the best come to the surface. The researchers say the goal is to develop our understanding of real-world issues online, evaluate potential solutions in this computational space, and then apply new knowledge back in the real world.
The basis of human computation is the fact that computers and humans bring unique proficiencies to collaboration, with the former offering rapid analysis of immense volumes of data and the latter contributing unmatched conceptualization of new ideas. Michelucci and Dickinson's model is designed to serve as a simulation of real-world scenarios, with a Wikipedia-like scheme in which millions of individuals can contribute, in combination with algorithms to create a feedback loop that promotes constant idea assessment and revision.
The researchers say human computational systems already can be supported by existing technical infrastructure.
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