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A Road Map For Advancing Women in Tech

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Women playing various roles in technology.

A new report offers eight recommendations for boosting diversity and retaining women in technology.

Credit: Christian Zarate

A new study from the Luskin Center for Innovation report, based on information from the University of California, Los Angeles' April 2015 Women in Tech conference, makes eight core recommendations for boosting diversity and advancing and retaining women in the technology sector.

The most important recommendation is offering quality mentorships, says report co-author and former Luskin Center project manager Rebecca Sadwick. "The importance of understanding this and actively seeking resources to advance men and women's careers equitably is vital," she stresses.

The report's other recommendations include using data to evaluate diversity, giving female entrepreneurs access to funding models that reduce bias, reducing subconscious bias in the hiring process, standardizing performance reviews, expanding public-private partnerships, building on mandate-driven public policies, and committing to diversity at all leadership levels.

"There needs to be more strategies from both the private and public sectors to really affect change comprehensively," says the Luskin Center's Sarah Godoy.

Sadwick notes public and private firms are more likely to implement strategies that directly impact their ability to attract diverse talent, by studying effective tactics in other companies and nations. "Companies that make it a priority at all levels of leadership to counter systemic inequalities that limit their talent pool have remarkable success," she says.

From UCLA Newsroom (CA)
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Abstracts Copyright © 2016 Information Inc., Bethesda, Maryland, USA


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