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Male Computer Programmers Shown to Be Right ­p There With Chefs, Dentists on Gender Pay Gap Scale

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Glassdoor's ranking of top U.S. occupations by "adjusted" gender pay gap.

A new survey by Glassdoor finds female programmers earn just 76 cents for every dollar earned by male programmers in the U.S.

Credit: Glassdoor

Male computer programmers' salaries are far higher than those of their female peers, according to a new Glassdoor report.

The study showed women earn about 76 cents for every dollar men earn in the U.S.

Glassdoor names "women and men sorting into different jobs or industries with varying pay" the biggest contributor to the gender pay gap in the U.S. Age also plays a role, with the gap among employees 55 or older being about twice as large as the national average of 5.4 percent.

In terms of occupation, male computer programmers earn 28.1% more than their female counterparts, a slightly larger gap than chefs and dentists. The other prominent information technology job is information security specialist, where the gap favors men by 14.7%.

"To help close the [overall] gender pay gap, we should focus on creating policies and programs that provide women with more access to career development and training, such as pay negotiation skills, to support them through their lives in any job or field they choose to enter," recommends Glassdoor's Dawn Lyon.

Glassdoor also supports greater pay transparency at organizations.

From Network World
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