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Data on Taxi Routes and Points of Interest May Improve Crime Predictions

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Some points of interest in Chicago.

Researchers at Pennsylvania State University say understanding how people label local points of interest on social media, and the routes taxis typically take through local communities, can help analysts and police better understand neighborhood crime rate


Pennsylvania State University (PSU) researchers say data on how taxis travel through communities and how people label points of interest on social media could help analysts and law enforcement officers better understand neighborhood crime rates.

PSU professor Jessie Li says big data projects could improve the understanding of crime and help planners make better decisions, as well as enabling communities and police to use their resources to fight crime more efficiently.

In addition, Li says points-of-interest information can improve crime statistic analysis because it shows how certain areas are used and why people want to be there.

She also notes the study highlights how the field of big data is providing both new sources of data and new ways to explore the implications of that data. Li says big data can show correlations between sources of data and certain effects, such as crime, which is helpful for making predictions.

The study used data on taxi trip records in Chicago, which included pickup and dropoff times and locations, operation time, and total fare amount, from October to December 2013.

From Penn State News
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Abstracts Copyright © 2016 Information Inc., Bethesda, Maryland, USA


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