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Chaos Could Provide the Key to Enhanced Wireless Communications

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A representation of chaos.

A team of researchers at the Xian University of Technology in China and the University of Aberdeen in the U.K. have demonstrated that chaos can be used to transmit information over a wireless physical channel, offering wide-ranging advantages from enhance

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Researchers at China's Xian University of Technology and Britain's University of Aberdeen have shown that adding chaos to wireless communication can augment its reliability, efficiency, and security.

The rapid transmission of information at a low error rate is thwarted by the physical restrictions of wireless physical media.

"We showed that the information transmitted over a wireless channel in a chaotic signal is unaltered even though the received chaotic communication signal is severely distorted by the wireless channel constraints," says Xian University's H.P. Ren. "We also demonstrated that it can be decoded to provide an efficient framework for the modern communication systems."

The extreme dependence of chaos on initial conditions entails that when controlling the circuit to generate an encoding wave signal, even very small errors in the control instrumentation drive the circuit to states in which the signal fails to decode the information for transmission. The researchers demonstrated how to control the circuit via an optimal set of perturbations that minimally disrupt the natural dynamics of the circuit, but produce the desired encoding signal.

The team also found the chaotic signal they used as a platform for their communication system can energy-efficiently encode any binary source of information.

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Abstracts Copyright © 2016 Information Inc., Bethesda, Maryland, USA


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