New Internet Engineering Task Force chair Alissa Cooper says the organization is working on the challenges presented by the Internet of Things, such as security and power issues.
Credit: Cisco/IETF
New Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) chair and Cisco Fellow Alissa Cooper lauds the IETF as "a very special place because of the standards work it has done in the past and how that work is affecting the growth and will impact the Internet in the future."
Cooper foresees her primary challenges and goals as representing "to the rest of the world what the IETF consensus is on a topic, whether it be the design of IPv6 or the security of the DNS protocol or whatever the topic may be."
She cites developing standards technology around areas such as the Internet of Things, software-defined networking, and network function virtualization as continuing challenges for the group.
"The IETF looks to build standards with some recognition of what the privacy impact would be but the technology needs to be used anywhere in the world," she notes.
From Network World
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