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Internet Atlas Maps the Physical Internet to Enhance Security

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The physical infrastructure of the Internet in the eastern U.S.

The Internet Atlas, developed by researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is a detailed map of the physical infrastructure of the Internet.


Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison) have developed Internet Atlas, which they say is the first-ever detailed worldwide map of the Internet.

The map, which was developed using a grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, outlines the Internet's physical infrastructure, including out-of-sight undersea cables, using data that includes publicly available sources such as what Internet service providers publish on their websites.

The UW-Madison researchers intend to augment Internet Atlas and share their work so it can be implemented by others to boost network performance and security.

"We'll complement the static maps with the ability to actually examine the status of the network in real time," says UW-Madison professor Paul Barford. "We've built certain capabilities that allow exactly that to be done, and one of the important focuses going forward is to enhance that capability, basically putting the maps in motion."

From University of Wisconsin-Madison News
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