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­c Berkeley Releases Massive Dex-Net 2.0 Dataset

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A robot grasping and lifting objects.

A dataset of 6.7 million robust point clouds and grasps can train your neural network to reliably pick up objects.

Credit: AUTOLAB/UC Berkeley

University of California, Berkeley professor Ken Goldberg on Wednesday announced the release of a massive dataset for Dex-Net 2.0, a project employing neural networks to develop reliable robot grasping across an array of rigid objects.

The dataset houses 6.7-million point object point clouds, along with parallel-jaw gripper poses and a robustness estimate of how likely it is the grasp will successfully lift and carry the object.

Working with AUTOLAB's Jeff Mahler, Goldberg trained a convolutional neural network to predict the robustness of a specific grasp on a given object, using "a probabilistic model to generate synthetic point clouds, grasps, and grasp robustness labels from datasets of [three-dimensional] object meshes using physics-based models of grasping, image rendering, and camera noise."

Experimenting with one robot yielded 93% reliable grasp planning, and Goldberg says the dataset "can be a useful resource to train deep-neural networks for robot grasp planning across multiple different robots."

From IEEE Spectrum
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