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Making Waves

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A large breaking wave.

A group of computer scientists have used wave packet theory to develop realistic, detailed water wave simulations in real time.

Credit: Wikipedia

Researchers at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) have introduced a novel representation of waves that improves computational efficiency by at least an order of magnitude.

The researchers use wave packet theory to develop realistic and detailed water wave simulations in real time.

The team says each wave packet contains a collection of similar wavelengths, and larger wave formations are created by adding individual packets together.

The method has never before been applied to computer graphics, and the team has developed a simulation that is more versatile and physically plausible than previous methods.

In addition, the new method is largely independent of time-steps and does not rely on a computational grid, enabling the users to look very far into the future or the past of the simulation, and examine the waves very closely.

The research will be presented later this month at the ACM SIGGRAPH 2017 conference in Los Angeles.

From IST Austria
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