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International Group Aims to Protect the Core of the Public Internet

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Protecting the infrastructure of the Internet.

The Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace says it is forming a research advisory group to help it map out the core of the public Internet and critical infrastructure that should be protected from digital meddling by national intelligence servic

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The Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace, during its first official meeting in Estonia last week, announced the establishment of a research group to shield the public Internet's core and critical infrastructure from interference by national intelligence services and other groups.

The group also is tasked with proposing research to determine the public Internet core's components and what should be designated critical Internet infrastructure for the commission's purposes.

In addition, the commission wants the group to serve as an "academic backbone" and contribute research in response to periodic requests.

The research advisory group is being led by Sean Kanuck, a former U.S. intelligence official who worked on cyber issues for the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, and the White House.

The advisory group, which is being launched with several core members but also is seeking new ones, can pitch research proposals related to defining what the "public core of the Internet" includes, and seek funding through July 21.

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