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Study Finds 'smart' Transformers Could Make Reliable Smart Grid a Reality

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How solid-state transformers could be incorporated into a power system.

Researchers at North Carolina State University are developing smart solid-state transformers that could be used to make a stable, reliable smart grid.

Credit: NCSU News

North Carolina State University (NCSU) researchers are developing smart solid-state transformers (SSTs) that could be used to make a stable, reliable "smart grid," a breakthrough that would enable the power distribution system to route renewable energy from homes and businesses into the power grid.

Although smart grid technology has been mostly conceptual to date, the study suggests it could move from concept to reality in the near future, using technology that already exists.

"This is not something that the power industry can afford to get wrong, and we need to ensure that the concept improves efficiency--and is therefore worthy of investment--without adversely affecting the stability and reliability of the grid," says NCSU professor Aranya Chakrabortty.

The researchers also developed a complex model that simulates the behavior of a power distribution system.

"Using this model, we found that SSTs can greatly enhance the functionalities of tomorrow's power grid," Chakrabortty says.

From NCSU News
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