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The 2017 Top Programming Languages

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Logo of the Python programming language

IEEE Spectrum's recently released fourth interactive ranking of the leading programming languages found Python was most popular.

Credit: Python Software Foundation

Python is now the top programming language, according to IEEE Spectrum's recently released fourth interactive ranking of the leading languages.

Python was ranked third last year, but this year passed C and Java to claim the top stop.

To determine the most popular programming languages, IEEE enlisted the help of data journalist Nick Diakopoulos, who mined and combined 12 metrics from 10 online sources to rank 48 languages. In addition, IEEE Spectrum allows users to choose how those metrics are weighted when they are combined, resulting in a level of personalization not seen in other rankings.

For the second consecutive year, no new languages entered the rankings, indicating a period of consolidation in coding as programmers digest the tools created to cater to the proliferation of cloud, mobile, and big data applications.

The top four languages each received better than a 97 ranking out of a 100-point scale.

From IEEE Spectrum
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Abstracts Copyright © 2017 Information Inc., Bethesda, Maryland, USA


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