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New Tool Increases Adaptability, Autonomy of 'skyrim' Nonplayer Characters

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A scene from the Skyrim open world action role-playing video game.

Computer science researchers at North Carolina State University and Universidade de Lisboa have developed an artificial intelligence architecture program for use with the game Skyrim that can be used to create nonplayer characters that allow for more vari

Credit: Tamahikari Tammas

Researchers at North Carolina State University (NCSU) and the University of Lisbon in Portugal have developed CIF-CK, an artificial intelligence (AI) architecture program that uses social behavior models to make individual "Skyrim" non-player characters (NPCs) more reactive and adaptable to player behavior.

The researchers developed CIF-CK by building on the Comme il-Faut (CIF) AI architecture model, which was first developed at the University of California, Santa Cruz in 2012.

CIF-CK extends the original CIF model in two ways--each NPC will know only as much as the developer wants it to know, and CIF-CK enables NPCs to make actions based on how they view a player, which in turn is based on what they know about the player's interactions with other players and NPCs.

"We're now hoping to work with gaming companies and game developers to incorporate the CIF-CK approach into their development processes--or at least get inspired by it," says NCSU professor Arnav Jhala.

From NCSU News
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