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Google's New AI Learns By Baking Tasty Machine Learning Cookies

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To test their system, the researchers gave cookie recipes to the contractors who make the puddings in Googles canteen.

Google Vizier automatically optimizes the hyperparameters of machine learning models.

Credit: WIRED/Deep Dream Generator

Google researchers have developed Google Vizier, an artificial intelligence (AI) system that automatically tunes other AI programs.

The researchers note machine-learning programs need carefully set "hyperparameters," which are determined in advance and are adapted to the problem at hand. Although this is often a difficult and time-consuming task, Google Vizier makes the process easier by automatically optimizing the hyperparameters of machine-learning models.

The Google researchers say they have "used Vizier to perform hyperparameter tuning studies that collectively contained millions of trials for a research project."

Google Vizier uses a process called "transfer learning," in which the algorithm uses data from previous studies as a guide and then suggests optimal hyperparameters for new algorithms.

The researchers tested the Google Vizier system by giving cookie recipes to the contractors who make the puddings in Google's canteen. The researchers taste-tested the result and tracked the changes the chefs made to improve the taste.

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Abstracts Copyright © 2017 Information Inc., Bethesda, Maryland, USA


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