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Communications of the ACM


Turing Laureates Celebrate Award's 50th Anniversary

15 Turing laureates

Among the 22 Turing Laureates in attendance at the conference were: Front row, from left: Whitfield Diffie (2015), Martin Hellman (2015), Robert Tarjan (1986), Barbara Liskov (2008). Second row, from left: Vinton Cerf (2004), Richard Karp (1985), Richard

Credit: Misti Layne

ACM recently held a conference in celebration of the first 50 years of the ACM A.M. Turing Award.

"Just over 50 years ago, ACM awarded its first A.M. Turing Award to Alan Perlis for his work on advanced programming techniques and compiler construction," said ACM president Vicki L. Hanson. "In total, 64 people from around the world have received the Turing Award, recognizing work that laid the foundations of modern computing."


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