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Deepmind Alphago Team Receives Inaugural Ijcai Marvin Minsky Medal For Outstanding Achievements in AI

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Tthe inaugural Marvin Minsky Medal for Outstanding Achievements in Artificial Intelligence.

The team behind DeepMinds AlphaGo system were named as the recipients of the inaugural Marvin Minsky Medal for Outstanding Achievements in Artificial Intelligence.

Credit: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization

The team behind DeepMind's world-beating AlphaGo system were today announced as the recipients of the inaugural Marvin Minsky Medal, given by the IJCAI organisation for Outstanding Achievements in Artificial Intelligence (AI).

AlphaGo made world headlines in March 2016 when it became the first system to beat a world champion Go player, defeating Lee Sedol 4-1 in a series of Go matches played in Seoul, Korea. Sedol is widely accepted as one of the greatest Go players of our age, and AI experts had not expected this level of performance from a Go-playing program for a decade at least.
"AlphaGo is a wonderful achievement, and a perfect example of what the Minksy Medal was initiated to recognize," said Michael Wooldridge, chair of the IJCAI Awards Committee. "What particularly impressed IJCAI was that AlphaGo achieves what it does through a brilliant combination of classic AI techniques as well as the state-of-the-art machine learning techniques that DeepMind is so closely associated with. It's a breathtaking demonstration of contemporary AI, and we are delighted to be able to recognize it with this award."
"We are truly honored to be awarded the inaugural Marvin Minsky medal for AlphaGo," said Demis Hassabis, CEO of DeepMind. "We hope the ideas in AlphaGo are just the beginning and we are excited to now apply those techniques to the next set of grand challenges, such as advancing science and medicine."

From International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization
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