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The 10 Programming Languages Developers Hate the Most

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A frustrated coder.

A new Stack Overflow report lists the programming languages developers like least, as well as those they dislike the least.

Credit: SIphotography/iStockphoto

Perl, Delphi, and VBA top the list of the 10 programming languages that developers like the least, according to a new Stack Overflow report.

The other languages making the list include PHP, Objective-C, Coffeescript, Ruby, C#, Java, and C++.

Stack Overflow's David Robinson says the least disliked languages, which include R, Python, Typescript, Go, and Rust, are among the fastest growing on the site, and the least contentious. However, "we're not necessarily suggesting a causal relationship, where tags being disliked by a component of programmers leads to them being abandoned," Robinson notes.

"Another possibility is that people feel comfortable expressing their dislike publicly if they sense that the language is already shrinking in popularity."

In terms of the least-liked technologies overall, Internet Explorer, Visual Basic, COBOL, Flash, and ASP Classic topped the list.

Meanwhile, machine learning, git, Python-3.X, HTML5, and CSS3 were the most universally liked technologies.

From TechRepublic
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