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Facebook Can Make Your Profile Pic Wink and Scowl

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TV's Al Roker.

A new tool can take a single image of a face and create an animated version that puts on either a happy, sad, or angry expression.

Credit: Giphy

Researchers at Tel Aviv University in Israel and Facebook have been developing a tool that can take a single image of a face and create an animated version that puts on either a happy, sad, or angry expression.

The team says the tool uses "base" video of another completely different person, who does not have to be the same gender or even look remotely similar. That second person's expression is mapped onto the still image and then warped so it starts to look like an animated expression.

However, when a person smiles, they often go from not showing any teeth to showing all of their teeth. Based on a single image, the system does not necessarily know what the person's teeth look like, so it has to borrow visual data from the helper video.

"We found that if we change the teeth people don't notice too much," says Tel Aviv University's Hadar Averbuch-Elor.

From New Scientist
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