Researchers at the Technical University of Darmstadt in Germany are teaching intelligent algorithms to detect objects in x-ray images from transportation security.
Credit: Katrin Binner
Researchers at the Technical University of Darmstadt (TU Darmstadt) in Germany are teaching intelligent algorithms to detect cars, pedestrians, and potentially dangerous objects in x-ray images from transportation security.
The software reconstructs image information that may be hidden by blurred or out-of-focus images, and it also could assist users in tedious tasks.
To develop the system, the researchers photographed a real scene and separated the individual objects from each other by tracing their outlines.
The researchers enabled the algorithms to work with less data by relying on computer games that show deceptively realistic street scenes.
"Based on the information contained in the computer game, we can detect which object that is already known re-appears at a later point in time," says TU Darmstadt professor Stefan Roth. He notes this technique means the object no longer needs to be re-annotated on each video frame.
From Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany)
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