A team of researchers say they have developed a technique of securely communicating among three or more quantum devices, regardless of who made them.
Credit: Kevin Dooley/Flickr
A team led by researchers at University College London in the U.K. say they have developed a technique of securely communicating among three or more quantum devices, regardless of who made them.
"Our approach works for a general network where you don't need to trust the manufacturer of the device or network for secrecy to be guaranteed," notes the University of Oxford's Matty Hoban. "Our method works by using the network's structure to limit what an eavesdropper can learn."
The researchers say their method uses machine learning and causal inference to assess the devices' security before engaging in communications with the entire network by checking if the correlations between devices are innately quantum and cannot have been generated by another means. The team uses the correlations to set up secret keys that can be used to encrypt any desired communication, and which cannot be intercepted because quantum mechanics ensures their secrecy can be tested and guaranteed.
From UCL News
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