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HK­ST Researchers Develop First Innovative Fusion-Based Location Sensing Technology

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Combining multiple mobile signals on a handset.

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology researchers have developed a software suite integrating Wi-Fi with other signals on mobile platforms, to support smart city projects.

Credit: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) researchers have developed a new fusion-based technology to support smart city projects.

HKUST professor Gary Chan's team has invented a software suite integrating Wi-Fi with other signals on mobile platforms, yielding significantly greater accuracy to position people indoors, facilitating unique smart location-based applications such as indoor navigation, location-based personalized recommendations, crowd analysis, and people flow control.

The fingerprinting-based technology first performs a survey to collect signals at different locations of a given site, and machine learning is then applied to analyze and model the signal's characteristics at these locations. Upon detecting signals from a user, their location can then be calculated accurately and efficiently.

"Our technology is to fuse the signals to combine their strengths while overcoming their limitations," Chan notes. "The higher location accuracy makes possible novel location-based services and facilitates Hong Kong's development as a smart city."

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