The university has embarked on a project to develop an advanced multi-modal simulator.
Credit: PTV Group
Researchers at the University of Sheffield are increasingly relying on graphics-processing unit (GPU) technology to supercharge their work with complex system simulations. One of their projects used GPUs to improve the speed and accuracy of road micro-simulations by a maximum factor of 33.
"We can scale these simulations up to represent human immune systems and run them fast enough and explore all of the different parameters around what type of interventions may produce emergent properties," says Sheffield's Paul Richmond, pointing to disease remission as an example of a "good patient outcome."
Last year Sheffield bought a DGX-1 workstation and also teamed with Joint Academic Data Science Endeavor, Britain's biggest GPU facility, to advance its deep learning and artificial intelligence research. Richmond says the workstation is used about 25 percent of the time for functions such as high-performance computing simulations.
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