A collaboration of IBM Research, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and The Fund for Lake George (known as The Jefferson Project) has been monitoring Lake George, NY, and its surrounding ecosystem for the past five years.
Credit: Keith Shaw
IBM Research, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and The Jefferson Project have been watching Lake George, NY, and its ecosystem for five years as part of a three-decade study of the lake's water quality and other environmental forces.
The partners have deployed a sensor network composed of platforms, weather stations, tributary monitors, and acoustic Doppler current profiles to supply information at more than 40 sites. This network constantly measures weather, water movement, and water quality, sending that data to an IBM Research facility that generates high-resolution computational modeling and forecasts.
The sensors apply these findings to respond to the physical data and models to accrue more data or notify project members of anomalies.
The researchers believe the intelligence culled from the sensor network can yield better insights on processes and events that could impact the Lake George ecosystem.
From Robotics Business Review
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