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GoFly Prize ­nveils 10 Winning Designs in $2M Contest for Personal Air Vehicles

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Team teTra, from Japan, designed the teTra 3 vehicle to be efficient yet stylish, with the look of a winged motorcycle.

Ten teams made it through the first phase of the GoFly Prize $2-million competition for one-person air vehicles.

Credit: Team teTra via GoFly

The first phase of the GoFly Prize competition for one-person air vehicles has yielded 10 diverse concepts, says GoFly Prize CEO Gwen Lighter.

Phase 1 teams were tasked with designing user-friendly vehicles that could make vertical or near-vertical takeoffs, and fly 20 miles.

Among the submissions that passed muster were the Georgia Institute of Technology's HummingBuzz, a vehicle that has a motorcycle-style fuselage atop an all-electric, ducted coaxial rotor configuration; a five-rotor airbike from a U.K. team; and an electric-motor-powered vehicle from the Netherlands boasting a canard-wing configuration that accommodates a rider in a motorcycle-style orientation.

The second phase of the competition requires teams to flesh out their designs and demonstrate safe vehicle operation, either with a human operator or under autonomous control with a mannequin in the driver's seat.

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