Researchers at the University of Washington in Seattle have developed a brain-to-brain network that can transmit thoughts among members of a group.
University of Washington in Seattle researchers have developed a brain-to-brain network that transmits thoughts among members of a group.
Using the BrainNet brain-to-brain network, three people—two senders and one receiver/transmitter—send and receive information directly to their brains to solve a game in which blocks must be spun to fit in spaces at the bottom of the screen.
The senders, wearing electroencephalograms (EEGs) that record electrical activity in the brain, view the full screen, deciding how to rotate the blocks and broadcasting the information to the receiver, who wears both an EEG and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) gear, which can transmit information into the brain.
The researchers suggest a cloud-based brain-to-brain interface server “could direct information transmission between any set of devices on the brain-to-brain interface network and make it globally operable through the Internet, thereby allowing cloud-based interactions between brains on a global scale."
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