Arizona State University's team won the artificial intelligence commentator track of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology AI World Cup 2018 competition.
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Arizona State University's Yezhou Yang and Siyu Zhou have won the artificial intelligence (AI) commentator track of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) AI World Cup 2018 competition.
Yang and Zhou coded for the commentator AI agent based on human observation of the playfield.
Yang's group specializes in cognitive robotics, computer vision, and robot vision to program intelligent agents, aiming to solve visual challenges that involve deep learning and algorithms to enable agents to read people's actions and a scene's geometry.
The team's learning-based model enabled the agent to read the current situation of a robot soccer game similar to the way a human commentator does, by monitoring past actions with respect to the soccer ball's location and speed.
It took about three weeks for the team to write the comment-generating scripts and enrich the comments and rules.
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