Three times each week, ACM provides timely coverage of established and emerging areas of computer science, the latest trends in information technology, and related science, technology, engineering, and mathematics news to a global audience of more than 110,000 readers, in the form of the ACM TechNews newsletter. A benefit of ACM membership, TechNews is assembled from hundreds of relevant English-language technology publications from all over the world to keep ACM's members current and informed on a wide range of technology topics.
In order to understand readers' topic preferences, ACM tracks readers' usage of the dozen or so links in each TechNews edition that provide access to the full texts of each TechNews article abstract. We use that capability to dig through the data to determine which of the more than 2,500 article abstracts delivered during the course of 2017 were most popular with readers, based on the numbers of clicks/views each received.
Looking at the 10 most clicked-on TechNews articles during the course of 2018, the topics are really a mixed bag, including Internet traffic control, artificial intelligence, human-robot interaction, teaching coding in schools, three-dimensional (3D) printing, and more.
The most popular TechNews abstract clicked on last year was in the Wednesday, August 8 edition; the link took readers to the full text of the article "New tool helps users control which countries their internet traffic goes through," which was published by Princeton University on August 2.
The 10 most frequently clicked-on content links in TechNews during 2018 were:
Rank | Article | Publication | Date | URL |
1 | New Tool Helps Users Control Which Countries Their Internet Traffic Goes Through | Princeton University News | August 2, 2018 | |
2 | AI May Put Private Data at Risk | Cornell Chronicle | August 2, 2018 | |
3 | It's Harder to Turn Off a Robot When It's Begging for Its Life | The Verge | August 2, 2018 | |
4 | Beyond 3D Printers: Additive Folding Creates Artistic Animatronics | Zdnet | August 2, 2018 | |
5 | Roboticist at OSU Uses Performing Arts to Make Robots More Social | Corvallis Gazette-Times | July 30, 2018 | |
6 | The Smarter City: Las Vegas Tunes IT Operations With AIOps | GCN | August 3, 2018 | |
7 | Amazon Makes $525,000 Donation to Canada Learning Code | IT World Canada | August 1, 2018 | |
8 | Breakthrough' Algorithm Exponentially Faster Than Any Previous One | Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences | July 3, 2018 | |
9 | Greek Mathematician Constantinos Daskalakis Wins Prestigious Award | Greek Reporter | August 2, 2018 | |
10 | 10 Most Popular Programming Languages in 2018 | Fossbytes | June 25, 2018 | |
TechNews is a benefit of ACM Membership. If you are an ACM member and wish to receive TechNews, please contact your ACM Customer Service Representative, contact ACM Member Help, or indicate your preference in the settings of your dashboard on
Lawrence M. Fisher is Senior Editor/News for ACM Magazines.
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