New predictive analytics techniques are helping researchers protect endangered species from fishermen.
Credit: Julie Jacobson/AP
New predictive analytics technologies used for dynamic ocean management are helping researchers protect turtles, albatrosses, whales, and other endangered species from fishermen.
According to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Elliott Hazen, innovations in ocean data availability and processing power allow scientists to "run...models on our computer in minutes to maybe an hour that would have taken us months 10 years ago."
Hazen and colleagues devised tools like EcoCast, which compares observed locations of marine species to satellite measurements of ocean conditions to create daily maps that localize where fishermen are most likely to find swordfish, and least likely to encounter protected species.
Hawaii Pacific University's Eric Gilman said EcoCast "holds tremendous promise of mitigating bycatch of species of conservation concern while maintaining economic viability."
From The Washington Post
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