Sweden's forest companies are embracing technology to cut costs and boost profits, while freeing employees from mundane tasks.
Credit: Swen Pfoertner/picture alliance via Getty Images
Sweden's forest companies are embracing technology to cut costs and boost profits, while freeing employees from mundane tasks.
Consultancy Sogeti and Sveaskog AB, Sweden's largest forest owner, have developed algorithms that teach themselves to find signs of spruce bark beetle attacks on satellite photos of forests.
Meanwhile, Stora Enso Oyj, one of Europe's largest paper and packaging makers, is teaching an algorithm to identify risk in the contracts it handles, to free up human lawyers' time.
Making such technology more accessible to the forest industry is a confluence of cheaper computer-processing power and more advanced sensors, says Olle Steffner, director of intellectual property management at packaging maker BillerudKorsnas.
From Bloomberg
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