Google will limit the software services it provides Chinese telecommunication giant Huawei, in response to President Trump's order to restrict the firm's access to U.S. technology.
Google's plan to limit the software services it provides Chinese telecommunication giant Huawei, following President Trump's order to restrict the firm's access to U.S. technology, is expected to accelerate isolation of China's Internet users, compounding digital content restrictions China has long imposed on its own citizens.
It also could give Huawei the impetus to develop its own software infrastructure so it no longer needs to rely on Google or other foreign companies.
Google's maneuver will add pressure to Huawei's international ambitions, given that Google is a major provider of smartphones and other products in Europe, and other companies undoubtedly will follow Google's lead.
The moves also will likely limit U.S.-China knowledge exchange and business interactions.
From The New York Times
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