Researchers have developed a new digital forensics technique to against artificial intelligence-doctored "deepfake" videos.
Credit: University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Berkeley, and University of Southern California researchers have developed a new digital forensics technique to protect world leaders and celebrities from artificial intelligence-doctored "deepfake" videos.
The technique uses machine learning to analyze an individual's style of speech and movement, known as a "softbiometric signature."
The researchers used an existing tool to extract the face and head movements of individuals, and created their own deepfakes for Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Hillary Clinton, using generative adversarial networks.
The team then used machine learning to distinguish head and face movements that characterize the real person; these subtle signals are not currently modeled by deepfake algorithms.
During testing, the method was at least 92% accurate in identifying several variations of deepfakes, including face swaps, and cases in which an impersonator used a digital puppet.
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