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How Can You Reliably Spot a Fake Smile? Ask a Computer

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Donald Glover wears a fake smile.

University of Bradford researchers have developed computer software that can identify false facial expressions.

Credit: Quora

Researchers at the University of Bradford in the U.K. have developed computer software that can identify false facial expressions.

The software analyzes the movement of a smile across a person's face, and determines whether or not the expression is genuine.

First, the software maps a person's face from a video recording, identifying the mouth, cheeks, and eyes of the subject.

The program then measures how these facial features move through the progress of the smile, and calculates the differences in movement between the video clips displaying real and fake smiles.

Said Bradford’s Hassan Ugail, “An objective way of analyzing whether or not a smile is genuine could help us develop improved interactions between computers and humans—for example, in biometric identification."

From University of Bradford (U.K.)
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