China's advantage in the quantum technology field is worrisome to some U.S. scientists and officials, and Beijing's ongoing investment in the technology is helping it catch up with Western researchers.
Credit: Daniel Hertzberg/The Washington Post
Researchers in China are using quantum technology to build hacking-resistant communications networks, sensors that can see through smog and around corners, and prototype computers that could one day outpace the computational power of any existing machine.
China's advantage in the quantum technology field is worrisome to some scientists and officials in the U.S., and Beijing's ongoing investment in the technology is helping it catch up with Western researchers.
Beijing is investing billions of dollars into research and development (R&D) of quantum technology, sparking calls for more R&D funding in the U.S. "
The U.S. must be prepared for a future in which its traditional technological predominance faces new, perhaps unprecedented challenges," according to the Center for a New American Security national security think tank.
While China has nearly twice as many patent filings as the U.S. for quantum technology overall, the U.S. still leads the world in patents relating to quantum computers.
From The Washington Post
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