Facebook has banned the posting of deepfakes videos designed to spread misinformation as the 2020 U.S. presidential election approaches.
Credit: Reuters
Facebook has banned doctored videos, or deepfakes, designed to spread misinformation as the 2020 U.S. presidential election approaches.
The prohibition only applies to artificial intelligence (AI)-produced content, and does not ban misleading videos made with conventional editing tools.
Facebook’s Monika Bickert said the company, along with Instagram (a social networking service that it owns), will eliminate deepfakes that have been edited or synthesized in ways that are not apparent to the average person, and that would likely trick viewers into attributing words to the subject of the video they never actually spoke.
Another requirement for removal is for the material to be produced by AI or machine learning that combines, substitutes, or superimposes content onto a video, making it seem authentic.
Said Bickert, "Videos that don't meet these standards for removal are still eligible for review by one of our independent third-party fact-checkers, which include over 50 partners worldwide fact-checking in over 40 languages."
From The Guardian
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